Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hotel rooms are not home...

So we lived in a hotel "suite" for a week and it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep any kind of schedule. Thank you Dick's Sporting Goods for selling a fold-able rocking chair! We would not have made it without it. So naturally I did not exercise once while we were gone, but I am proud to say that last night was our first normal day back and I did workout last night. :) I forgot that part about being sore every day, but for some reason it feels good. I guess because I know I did something.

I do want to take a moment to give a nod to Auburn University. I ROLL TIDE as hard as any Bama fan, but I have to admit how impressed I was with Auburn's campus. Not only is it beautiful, but they are a "green campus" and have recycling stations set up EVERYWHERE! I wish more campuses, or even more cities would do this! If it were just as convenient to recycle as it is to toss something into a trash can on the street, I think more people would do it. There's my soapbox for today.
One of the many recycle stations set up around Auburn's campus AND town.

Friday, June 15, 2012

And the craziness continues....

So I have kinda sorta been offered a job.... totally dependent on another teacher getting board approved in another system so she can move with her family, but long story short I'm going to AP training next week! From what it looks like I'm going to have homework (i.e. reading) every night to prepare for the next day's session. That combined with having little man in a hotel for a week is going to make keeping up my exercise routine interesting. I've almost made it a week now though, and either tonight's workout wasn't that bad or my body is adjusting. I'm not very sore, so hopefully things are just getting easier on my body. :) Anyway, at the advice of several dedicated exercisers I will not be weighing or measuring myself until I've been on this workout routine for several weeks. Until then I guess I'll just update how I'm feeling with it.

To add to my insanity I'm thinking of trying to start weekly or monthly meal planning for my family (ahhh!) and possibly a daily cleaning routine. If I really do start this teaching job in the fall I'm going to need to be MUCH more organized at home to keep everything balanced. I'll let you know how that works out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hello World!

So this is me, Busy Momma, and the story of my life. I married my best friend in June 2010 (we just celebrated our 2 year anniversary!) and December 2011 brought a bouncing baby boy into my life. Both of these events combined (marriage and childbirth) have wrecked havoc on my body and after seeing a picture of myself I decided to make a change. I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now, what with a Masters in English, I'm very interested in the written word, and blogs are how we do it these days. So this is my journey to get my body back, as well as my love of home-making crafts (sewing, crocheting, etc.) if I can find a good way to blend the two. Probably not, so this may just be pretty random at times.........but here we go!!!

Starting Info:
Weight: 150
Goal weight: 130
Waist: 34.5 inches
Hips: 42 inches
Single thigh: 25.5 inches

Goal measurements ???? Let's just worry about tightening things up. :) 

I HATE exercising, but I've come to terms that at 27 I can no longer maintain a figure to be proud of without work. In the spirit of the home workout movement, I'm starting with a workout I found on Pinterest that came from a neat fitness blogger. Check her daily workout here. I'm 3 days in and it's kicking my butt, so hopefully it'll do some damage! Happy day all!